Saturday, August 14, 2010

How important is sport for you?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

For me sport is very, very important. I play basketball, enjoy athletics and cycling, i love boxing and swimming. It energizes me, refreshes me. Sweating it out, burning calories, and just pushing myself to do well in sport increases my self - confidence. It makes me a happier, more confident individual, and makes me feel more geared up about facing life's other challenges.

Although right now coz of where my house is located and other things, i'm not able to devote as much time as i want. That's why i cant wait to get out. In college i was pretty much a loner coz i didnt find enough people i could connect with, even the ones that did, eventually betrayed me. Through all those times, swimming and running, and basketball kept me feeling strong. They kept me steady. It made me feel better about myself.

And of course, these are skills that improve with practise, and the more skilled you are, the more it helps your confidence. For youngsters and college students i think sports is a great way not just to be healthy and physically fit, but to build mental strength, and also to discover friends through building a rapport with team mates...
4 months ago

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